City of promise : a novel of the New York's Gilded Age (書籍, 2011) [Texas Group Catalog]
City of promise : a novel of the New York's Gilded Age

City of promise : a novel of the New York's Gilded Age

著者: Beverly Swerling
出版社: New York : Simon & Schuster, 2011.
エディション/フォーマット:   紙書籍 : Fiction : English : 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover edすべてのエディションとフォーマットを見る
"...Swerling's saga continues as New York emerges from the Civil War into the Gilded Age{u2014}a city marked by soaring expansion and teeming with unbridled ambition and dazzling glamour. It is 1864. The South{u2019}s surrender is inevitable, and Manhattan is at the heart of the recovering nation{u2019}s surge to prosperity. On its bustling streets crowds hustle from place to place amid a maelstrom of carriages and  続きを読む
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ジャンル/形式: Fiction
Historical fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
資料の種類: Fiction
ドキュメントの種類 書籍
すべての著者/寄与者: Beverly Swerling
ISBN: 9781439136942 1439136947
OCLC No.: 1001895728
メモ: Sequel to: City of God.
物理形態: 422 pages : map ; 24 cm
責任者: Beverly Swerling.


"...Swerling's saga continues as New York emerges from the Civil War into the Gilded Age{u2014}a city marked by soaring expansion and teeming with unbridled ambition and dazzling glamour. It is 1864. The South{u2019}s surrender is inevitable, and Manhattan is at the heart of the recovering nation{u2019}s surge to prosperity. On its bustling streets crowds hustle from place to place amid a maelstrom of carriages and horse-drawn trolleys. Vanderbilt{u2019}s new Grand Central Depot and the glittering Ladies{u2019} Mile shine as beacons of the city{u2019}s burgeoning wealth. Joshua Turner returns home from the War with only one leg, but his ambition intact, and sees opportunity in the exponential growth of vital city workers{u2014}the managers and clerks who churn New York{u2019}s economic life. This new middle class must live in dreary ?family residences,? where everyone eats in a shared dining room and no woman can have a key to her own front door. Manhattan, Joshua realizes, has limited land but unlimited air. He aspires to build the city{u2019}s first apartment houses for everyman, a daring vision that will make him New York's first true real estate titan but will also attract the dangerous attention of a shadowy figure from Josh{u2019}s days in a notorious Confederate prison. Meanwhile, the irresistible and clever Mollie Brannigan, raised by her extraordinary Auntie Eileen in perhaps the toniest bordello in town, is resigned at age twenty-two to spinsterhood . . . till Joshua finds her at Macy{u2019}s, the city{u2019}s largest emporium, and takes her coaching in Central Park, while explaining why the millionaire mansions that line their route are not how he sees the future. In Joshua{u2019}s love Mollie finds a world of possibilities she had not dared to dream, but it is her aunt{u2019}s intervention that makes them real. How ironic, then, that a secret Eileen thought left behind in Ireland will force Mollie to employ all her wits to protect not just her chance at happiness but her life..."--Book jacket.
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