A Christmas carol. (eVideo, 2009) [Texas Group Catalog]
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A Christmas carol.

A Christmas carol.

Author: Charles Dickens; Robert Zemeckis; Jim Carrey
Publisher: United States : Walt Disney Pictures, 2009.
Edition/Format:   eVideo : EnglishView all editions and formats
Animation of Charles Dickens' classic novel about a Victorian-era miser taken on a journey of self-redemption, courtesy of several mysterious Christmas apparitions.
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Material Type: Internet resource, Videorecording
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File, Visual material
All Authors / Contributors: Charles Dickens; Robert Zemeckis; Jim Carrey
OCLC Number: 986234265
Notes: Censorship classification: PG.
Credits: Directed by Robert Zemeckis.
Cast: Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins.
Description: 1 online resource (video file (1 hr., 28 min.))


Animation of Charles Dickens' classic novel about a Victorian-era miser taken on a journey of self-redemption, courtesy of several mysterious Christmas apparitions.
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