A Christmas carol. (Bluray-video, 2009) [Texas Group Catalog]
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A Christmas carol.

A Christmas carol.

Auteur: Charles Dickens; Robert Zemeckis
Uitgever: Burbank, CA : Disney, 2009.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Bluray-video : Jeugd : Blu-ray-disk   Visueel materiaal : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
Ebenezer Scrooge begins the Christmas holiday with his usual miserly contempt, barking at his faithful clerk and his cheery nephew. But when the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come take him on an eye-opening journey revealing truths Old Scrooge is reluctant to face, he must open his heart to undo years of ill will before it's too late.
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Genre/vorm: Fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Genoemd persoon: Ebenezer (Fictitious character) Scrooge
Materiaalsoort: Jeugd
Soort document: Visueel materiaal
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Charles Dickens; Robert Zemeckis
Opmerking taal: Languages & subtitles: English, French & Spanish.
OCLC-nummer: 861673559
Opmerkingen: Blu-ray Disc.
Cast: Featuring the voices of: Robin Wright Penn, Colin Firth, Gary Oldman, Bob Hoskins, Jim Carrey.
Doelgroep: Rated: PG.
Beschrijving: 1 Blu-ray disc (96 min.) : sound, color ; 12 cm + 1 DVD
Gegevens: This is a Blu-ray disc which can only be played on Blu-ray disc players and will not play on standard DVD players.
Andere titels: Disney's A Christmas carol
Christmas carol (Motion picture : 2009)


Ebenezer Scrooge begins the Christmas holiday with his usual miserly contempt, barking at his faithful clerk and his cheery nephew. But when the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come take him on an eye-opening journey revealing truths Old Scrooge is reluctant to face, he must open his heart to undo years of ill will before it's too late.
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