Formats and Editions of A Christmas carol []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
11. A Christmas carol by William F Storke
by William F Storke; Alfred R Kelman; Roger O Hirson; Clive Donner; George C Scott; Nigel Davenport; Frank Finlay; Lucy Gutteridge; Angela Pleasence; Roger Rees; David Warner; Edward Woodward; Susannah York; Anthony Walters; Nick Bicât; Tony Britten; Charles Dickens; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.; Travenol Laboratories.;
  VHS video : VHS tape : Elementary and junior high school   Visual material
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
12. A Christmas carol   Video : Videodisc   Visual material  
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
13. A Christmas carol[DVD] by George C Scott
by George C Scott;
  DVD video
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
14. A Christmas carol by Clive Donner
by Clive Donner; George C Scott; Nigel Davenport; Frank Finlay; Lucy Gutteridge; Angela Pleasence; Roger Rees; David Warner; Edward Woodward; Susannah York; Anthony Walters; Charles Dickens;
  DVD video
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
15. A Christmas carol by Clive Donner
by Clive Donner; William F Storke; Alfred R Kelman; Roger O Hirson; George C Scott; Nigel Davenport; Frank Finlay; Lucy Gutteridge; Angela Pleasence; Roger Rees; David Warner; Edward Woodward; Susannah York; Anthony Walters; Charles Dickens; Entertainment Partners, Inc.,; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.;
  DVD video : Juvenile audience : NTSC color broadcast system
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
16. A Christmas carol by Clive Donner
by Clive Donner; George C Scott; Nigel Davenport; Frank Finlay; Lucy Gutteridge; Angela Pleasence; Roger Rees; David Warner; Edward Woodward; Susannah York; Anthony Walters; Charles Dickens;
  DVD video : Videocassette : U-matic
Beverly Hills, CA : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
17. A Christmas carol by George C Scott
by George C Scott; Nigel Davenport; Frank Finlay; Lucy Gutteridge; Angela Pleasence; Anthony Walters; Charles Dickens;
  VHS video : Videodisc : VHS tape   Visual material
Beverly Hills, CA : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
18. A Christmas carol.   DVD video
[United States] : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
19. Christmas Carol. by George C Scott
by George C Scott;
  DVD video
Beverly Hills, Calif. : Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment Inc.
Texas Group Catalog
20. A Christmas carol by Clive Donner
by Clive Donner; George C Scott; Nigel Davenport; Frank Finlay; Lucy Gutteridge; Angela Pleasence; Roger Rees; David Warner; Edward Woodward; Susannah York; Anthony Walters; Charles Dickens;
  VHS video : VHS tape   Visual material
Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Texas Group Catalog
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