A Christmas carol (DVD video, 2009) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Material Type: Videorecording
Document Type: Visual material
All Authors / Contributors: Moira Armstrong; Jonathan Powell; Charles Dickens; British Broadcasting Corporation.
Language Note: In English, with optional Dutch subtitles.
OCLC Number: 1181331907
Notes: Originally broadcast on BBC television in 1977.
Adapted from the novel by Charles Dickens.
Cast: Michael Hordern, John Le Mesurier, Bernard Lee, Patricia Quinn, Paul Copley, Clive Merrison, Carol MacReady, Maev Alexander, Zoë Wanamaker, Stephen Churchett.
Description: 1 DVD-video (60 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in.
Series Title: Charles Dickens collection.
Responsibility: directed by Moira Armstrong ; produced by Jonathan Powell.
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