Carry On, Jeeves (eBook, 2022) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Carry On, Jeeves

Carry On, Jeeves

Author: P G Wodehouse
Publisher: Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2022.
Series: Dover Thrift Editions: Short Stories.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
Ten classic short stories by author and humorist P. G. Wodehouse tell the amusing antics and occasional mishaps of young gentleman Bertie Wooster, who regularly relies on the infinite wisdom of his consummate valet, Jeeves, for help.
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Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Wodehouse, P. G.
Carry On, Jeeves
Newburyport : Dover Publications,c2022
Material Type: Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: P G Wodehouse
ISBN: 9780486850672 0486850676
OCLC Number: 1303088272
Notes: Description based upon print version of record.
Description: 1 online resource (205 p.).
Series Title: Dover Thrift Editions: Short Stories.


Ten classic short stories by author and humorist P. G. Wodehouse tell the amusing antics and occasional mishaps of young gentleman Bertie Wooster, who regularly relies on the infinite wisdom of his consummate valet, Jeeves, for help.
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