Bloody genius : a Virgil Flowers novel (Book, 2020) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Bloody genius : a Virgil Flowers novel

Bloody genius : a Virgil Flowers novel

Author: John Sandford
Publisher: New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2019.
Series: Virgil Flowers novels.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : EnglishView all editions and formats
"At the local state university, two feuding departments have faced off on the battleground of PC culture. Each carries their views to extremes that may seem absurd, but highly educated people of sound mind and good intentions can reasonably disagree, right? Then someone winds up dead, and Virgil Flowers is brought in to investigate...and he soon comes to realize he's dealing with people who, on this one particular  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Detective and mystery fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Named Person: Virgil Flowers, (Fictitious character); Virgil Flowers, (Fictitious character)
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: John Sandford
ISBN: 9780525536635 0525536639
OCLC Number: 1249596040
Description: 372 pages
Series Title: Virgil Flowers novels.
Responsibility: John Sandford.


"At the local state university, two feuding departments have faced off on the battleground of PC culture. Each carries their views to extremes that may seem absurd, but highly educated people of sound mind and good intentions can reasonably disagree, right? Then someone winds up dead, and Virgil Flowers is brought in to investigate...and he soon comes to realize he's dealing with people who, on this one particular issue, are functionally crazy. Among this group of wildly impassioned, diametrically opposed zealots lurks a killer, and it will be up to Virgil to sort the murderer from the mere maniacs."--
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