The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2, Revelations = Ŏmeijing Sŭp'aidŏmaen. Vol. 2, T'allo (Book, 2014) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2, Revelations = Ŏmeijing Sŭp'aidŏmaen. Vol. 2, T'allo

The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2, Revelations = 어메이징 스파이더맨. Vol. 2, 탄로 /
The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2, Revelations = Ŏmeijing Sŭp'aidŏmaen. Vol. 2, T'allo

Author: written by J. Michael Straczynski ; pencils, John Romita, Jr. ; inks, Scott Hanna ; colors, Don Kemp & Avalon Studios ; letters, RS & Comicraft's Wes Abbot ; 이 규원, 옮김 이 규원,J Michael StraczynskiJohn Romita, Jr.Scott HannaDan KempAll authors
Publisher: 시공사, Sŏul : Sigongsa, 2014
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : Korean : Ch'op'an
Vowing to always use his amazing abilities to protect his fellow man, Peter comes to understand--in the wake of the tragedy at the World Trade Center--that not all heroes possess great powers. Also, Aunt May discovers Peter's greatest secret, setting a new status quo for the wallcrawler and the woman who raised him.
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Genre/Form: superhero comics
Comics (Graphic works)
Graphic novels
Superhero comics
Bandes dessinées de superhéros
Bandes dessinées
Comic books, strips, etc
Named Person: Spider-Man, (Fictitious character); May Parker, (Fictitious character); Spider-Man, (Fictitious character)
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: written by J. Michael Straczynski ; pencils, John Romita, Jr. ; inks, Scott Hanna ; colors, Don Kemp & Avalon Studios ; letters, RS & Comicraft's Wes Abbot ; 이 규원, 옮김 이 규원, ; J Michael Straczynski; John Romita, Jr.; Scott Hanna; Dan Kemp; Wes Abbott; Kaare Andrews; Kyu-wŏn Yi; Avalon Studios,
ISBN: 9788952771100 8952771109 9788952773524 8952773527
OCLC Number: 1346261456
Notes: Translation of: Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2, Revelations
Description: 1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly color illustrations ; 26 cm
Other Titles: Amazing Spider-Man.
Ŏmeijing Sŭp'aidŏmaen. T'allo
Responsibility: written by J. Michael Straczynski ; pencils, John Romita, Jr. ; inks, Scott Hanna ; colors, Don Kemp & Avalon Studios ; letters, RS & Comicraft's Wes Abbot ; Yi Kyu-wŏn, omgim


Vowing to always use his amazing abilities to protect his fellow man, Peter comes to understand--in the wake of the tragedy at the World Trade Center--that not all heroes possess great powers. Also, Aunt May discovers Peter's greatest secret, setting a new status quo for the wallcrawler and the woman who raised him.
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