Encyclopedia of Emancipation and Abolition in the Transatlantic World. (E-Book, 2015) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Encyclopedia of Emancipation and Abolition in the Transatlantic World.

Encyclopedia of Emancipation and Abolition in the Transatlantic World.

Autor: Junius P Rodriguez
Verlag: Armonk, N.Y. : Sharpe Reference, ©2007
Ausgabe/Medienart   E-Book : Dokument : EnglischAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
The struggle to abolish slavery is one of the grandest quests - and central themes - of modern history. These movements for freedom have taken many forms, from individual escapes, violent rebellions, and official proclamations to mass organizations, decisive social actions, and major wars. Every emancipation movement - whether in Europe, Africa, or the Americas - has profoundly transformed the country and society in  Weiterlesen…
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Gattung/Form: Encyclopedias
Medienart: Dokument
Dokumenttyp Buch, Computerdatei
Alle Autoren: Junius P Rodriguez
ISBN: 0765612577 9780765612571
Sprachhinweis: English.
OCLC-Nummer: 995215062
Anmerkungen: A-Z.
Beschreibung: 1 online resource (986 pages)


The struggle to abolish slavery is one of the grandest quests - and central themes - of modern history. These movements for freedom have taken many forms, from individual escapes, violent rebellions, and official proclamations to mass organizations, decisive social actions, and major wars. Every emancipation movement - whether in Europe, Africa, or the Americas - has profoundly transformed the country and society in which it existed. This unique A-Z encyclopedia examines every effort to end slavery in the United States and the transatlantic world. It focuses on massive, broad-based movements,
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