Fushigi yûgi. The mysterious play. Vol. 17, Demon (Boek, 2006) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Fushigi yûgi. The mysterious play. Vol. 17, Demon

Fushigi yûgi. The mysterious play. Vol. 17, Demon

Auteur: Yuu Watase
Uitgever: San Francisco, CA : VIZ, LLC, 2005.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Fictie : Middelbare school : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
When the demon god Tenko steals the four stones that Miaka has already collected is all hope lost for the return of Taka's memories? Once again it's up to Miaka to keep the two worlds from falling under the dominion of the ultimate evil.
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Genre/vorm: Comics (Graphic works)
Fantasy fiction
Comic books, strips, etc
Bandes dessinées
Materiaalsoort: Fictie, Middelbare school
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Yuu Watase
ISBN: 9781421501802 1421501805
OCLC-nummer: 973600061
Opmerkingen: Originally published by Shogakukan, Inc., Japan, 1992.
Doelgroep: "Rated T+ for older teens"--Back cover.
Beschrijving: 185 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm
Andere titels: Mysterious play
Verantwoordelijkheid: story & art by Yuu Watase.


When the demon god Tenko steals the four stones that Miaka has already collected is all hope lost for the return of Taka's memories? Once again it's up to Miaka to keep the two worlds from falling under the dominion of the ultimate evil.
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