The waste lands (Kniha, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The waste lands

The waste lands

Autor Stephen King
Vydavatel: New York : Pocket Books, 2017. ©2003 ©1991
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : Fiction : English : First Pocket Books paperback editionZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
Roland, the Last Gunslinger, and his companions--Eddie Dean and Susannah--cross the desert of damnation, drawing ever closer to the Dark Tower, a legion of fiendish foes, and revelations that could alter the world.
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Žánr/forma: Horror tales
Fantasy fiction
Typ materiálu: Fiction
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Stephen King
ISBN: 9781501161827 1501161822
OCLC číslo: 953708300
Popis: xvi, 700 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm.
Obsahy: Argument --
Book one: Jake: fear in a handful of dust --
Bear and bone --
Key and rose --
Door and demon --
Book two: Lud: a heap of broken images --
Town and Ka-tet --
Bridge and city --
Riddle and waste lands.
Odpovědnost: Stephen King.


Roland, the Last Gunslinger, and his companions--Eddie Dean and Susannah--cross the desert of damnation, drawing ever closer to the Dark Tower, a legion of fiendish foes, and revelations that could alter the world.
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