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      Titre / Auteur Type Langue Date / Édition Publication Bibliothèque
1. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre imprimé
New and expanded edition
New York : Basic Books, New York : Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group
Texas Group Catalog
2. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre imprimé
New and expanded edition
New York : Basic Books, ©2012
Texas Group Catalog
3. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre imprimé
1st pbk. ed
New York : Basic Books
Texas Group Catalog
4. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre numérique : Document
New York : Basic Books
Texas Group Catalog
5. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre numérique : Document
New York : Basic Books
Texas Group Catalog
6. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre imprimé
New York : Basic Books
Texas Group Catalog
7. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre numérique : Document
New York : Basic Books
Bibliothèques de WorldCat
8. It's even worse than it looks how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre imprimé
[New and expanded edition
New York, NY Basic Books
Bibliothèques de WorldCat
9. It's even worse than it looks : how the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Norman J Ornstein
  Livre imprimé
New and expanded edition
New York : Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group
Bibliothèques de WorldCat
10. It's Even Worse Than It Looks : How the American... Auteur: Thomas E Mann
Auteur: Thomas E Mann; Baker & Taylor Axis 360.
  Livre numérique : Document
Basic Books
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