Marrying Daisy Bellamy (書籍, 2015) [Texas Group Catalog]
Marrying Daisy Bellamy

Marrying Daisy Bellamy

著者: Susan Wiggs
出版社: Don Mills, Ontario, Canada : Mira, [2015] ©2011
シリーズ: Lakeshore chronicles.
エディション/フォーマット:   紙書籍 : Fiction : Englishすべてのエディションとフォーマットを見る
Daisy Bellamy has struggled for years to choose between two men--one honorable and steady, one wild and untethered. And then, one fateful day, the decision is made for her. Now busy with a thriving business on Willow Lake, Daisy knows she should be happy with the life she's chosen for herself and her son. But she still aches for the one thing she can't have. Until the man once lost to her reappears, resurrected by a  続きを読む
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ジャンル/形式: Fiction
Romance fiction
Love stories
Romans, nouvelles, etc
資料の種類: Fiction
ドキュメントの種類 書籍
すべての著者/寄与者: Susan Wiggs
ISBN: 9780778317715 0778317714
OCLC No.: 915817096
物理形態: 426 pages ; 18 cm.
シリーズタイトル: Lakeshore chronicles.
責任者: Susan Wiggs.


Daisy Bellamy has struggled for years to choose between two men--one honorable and steady, one wild and untethered. And then, one fateful day, the decision is made for her. Now busy with a thriving business on Willow Lake, Daisy knows she should be happy with the life she's chosen for herself and her son. But she still aches for the one thing she can't have. Until the man once lost to her reappears, resurrected by a promise of love. And now, the choice Daisy thought was behind her is the hardest one she'll ever face.
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