Fushigi yûgi = The mysterious play. 9, Lover (Boek, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Fushigi yûgi = The mysterious play. 9, Lover

Fushigi yûgi = The mysterious play. 9, Lover

Auteur: Yuu WataseYuji OnikiKaori InoueHidemi SaharaWilliam FlanaganAlle auteurs
Uitgever: San Francisco, CA : Viz, LLC, [2003]
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Fictie : Engels : Shôjo editionAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
Miaka Yûki is a middle school student who is whisked away into the world of a book, "The universe of the four Gods." In this alternate world, she must summon the god Suzaku by retrieving the Shentso-Pao. But in order to get the treasure, Miaka must choose between her love for Tamahome and protecting the nation of Hong-Nan.
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Genre/vorm: Graphic novels
Advance copies (Publishing)
Review copies (Publishing)
Translations into English
Materiaalsoort: Fictie
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Yuu Watase; Yuji Oniki; Kaori Inoue; Hidemi Sahara; William Flanagan; Elizabeth Kawasaki
ISBN: 1591160960 9781591160960
Opmerking taal: Translated from the Japanese.
OCLC-nummer: 870302030
Opmerkingen: Uncorrected proof. Not for sale.
Book reads from right to left.
"This volume contains the 'Fushigi yûgi' installments from 'Animerica, extra vol. 6, no. 1 through no. 8, in their entirety."--Verso, title page.
"New and adapted artwork and text"--Verso, title page.
First published in Japan by Shogakukan, Inc., c1992.
"First English edition published 1999"--Verso, title page.
Beschrijving: 185 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm.
Inhoud: Valley of tears --
Ice guardians --
A hazardous bargain --
Mirage of Hell --
Defiled love --
The depths of fear
Andere titels: Mysterious play.
Mysterious play.
Verantwoordelijkheid: story & art by Yû Watase ; English adaptation, Yuji Oniki ; translation assit, Kaori Kawakubo Inoue ... graphics & design, Hidemi Sahara ; editor, William Flanagan ; Shôjo edition editor, Elizabeth Kawasaki.


Miaka Yûki is a middle school student who is whisked away into the world of a book, "The universe of the four Gods." In this alternate world, she must summon the god Suzaku by retrieving the Shentso-Pao. But in order to get the treasure, Miaka must choose between her love for Tamahome and protecting the nation of Hong-Nan.
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