Noise in my head : voices from the ugly Australian underground (도서, 2014) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Noise in my head : voices from the ugly Australian underground

Noise in my head : voices from the ugly Australian underground

저자: Jimi Kritzler
출판사: Melbourne, VIC : Melbourne Books, [2014]
판/형식:   인쇄본 : 영어모든 판과 형식 보기
This book documents the music, song writing, aesthetics, lives and struggles of 50 of Australia's most innovative and creatively significant bands and artists at the creative peak of their careers. The book provides a rare insight into the most "happening" cult music scenes in Australia. The author, Jimi Kritzler is both a journalist and a musician and is personally connected to the musicians he interviews through  더 읽기…
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장르/형태: Criticism, interpretation, etc
문서 유형 도서
모든 저자 / 참여자: Jimi Kritzler
ISBN: 9781922129352 1922129356
OCLC 번호: 869278617
설명: 464 pages, 24 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm
내용: Introduction --
Circle Pit --
Kitchen's Floor --
The Drones --
Royal Headache --
Eddy Current Suppression Ring --
Fabulous Diamonds --
Nevada Strane / Low Life --
Hits --
Atrocities --
The UV Race --
Deaf Wish --
Straitjacket Nation --
Witch Hats --
Oren Ambarchi --
Sean Bailey / Lakes / Tax --
Blank Realm --
xNoBBQx --
Hi God People --
Whores --
Total Control --
Chrome Dome --
Wonderfuls. Holy balm --
Negative Guest List Magazine & Records --
Nun --
New War --
Dick Diver --
Standish / Carlyon & Devastations --
The Radical Miracle --
Panel of Judges --
Repairs --
The Garbage and the Flowers --
Twerps --
Kirin J Callinan --
Jarrod Quarrell / Lost Animals / St Helens --
Forces --
The Stabs --
Naked on the Vague --
The Sidewalk Regrets --
The Lost Domain --
My Disco --
Guy Blackman & Geoffrey O'Connor --
Songs --
Straight Arrows --
RIP Society Records / Bed Wettin' Bad Boys --
Lucas Abela / Justice Yeldham --
Dead Farmers.
책임: Jimi Kritzler.


This book documents the music, song writing, aesthetics, lives and struggles of 50 of Australia's most innovative and creatively significant bands and artists at the creative peak of their careers. The book provides a rare insight into the most "happening" cult music scenes in Australia. The author, Jimi Kritzler is both a journalist and a musician and is personally connected to the musicians he interviews through his own involvement in this music sub culture. The interviews are extremely personal and reveal much more than any interview granted to street press or blogs. The interviews deal with not only the music and song writing processes of each band but in some circumstances their struggles with drugs, the death of band members and involvement in crime.
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