Fushigi yûgi : the mysterious play. v. 1 ; Priestess (Kniha, 2003) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Fushigi yûgi : the mysterious play. v. 1 ; Priestess

Fushigi yûgi : the mysterious play. v. 1 ; Priestess

Autor Yuu Watase; Yuji Oniki
Vydavatel: San Francisco, CA : Viz, ©2003.
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : English : Shôjo edZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
Miaka Yuki is suddenly spirted into the world of a book, The universe of the four gods. There she becomes the priestess of the god Suzaku, and is charged with finding all seven of her Celestial-Warrior protectors.
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Žánr/forma: Fiction
Juvenile works
Translations into English
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Yuu Watase; Yuji Oniki
ISBN: 9781569319574 156931957X
OCLC číslo: 857285782
Poznámky: Pages numbered from back to front.
Pages read from right to left.
Uživatelské určení Rated T+ for Older Teen.
Popis: 194 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 20 cm
Jiné tituly: Priestess
Odpovědnost: story & art by Yû Watase ; [English adaptation, Yuji Oniki].


Miaka Yuki is suddenly spirted into the world of a book, The universe of the four gods. There she becomes the priestess of the god Suzaku, and is charged with finding all seven of her Celestial-Warrior protectors.
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