Love and other subjects : a novel (도서, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Love and other subjects : a novel

Love and other subjects : a novel

저자: Kathleen Shoop
출판사: [Lexington, KY] :, ©2012.
판/형식:   인쇄본 : 소설 : 영어모든 판과 형식 보기
"For every woman who wonders if she chose the right career ... Carolyn Jenkins strives for two things--to be the greatest teacher ever and to find true love. She's as skilled at both as an infant trying to eat with a fork. Carolyn's suburban upbringing and genuine compassion for people who don't fit effortlessly into society are no match for weapon-wielding, struggling students, drug-using colleagues, and a wicked  더 읽기…
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장르/형태: Romance fiction
Love stories
Romans, nouvelles, etc
자료 유형: 소설
문서 유형 도서
모든 저자 / 참여자: Kathleen Shoop
ISBN: 9780615724966 0615724965
OCLC 번호: 835116575
설명: 256 pages ; 21 cm
책임: Kathleen Shoop.


"For every woman who wonders if she chose the right career ... Carolyn Jenkins strives for two things--to be the greatest teacher ever and to find true love. She's as skilled at both as an infant trying to eat with a fork. Carolyn's suburban upbringing and genuine compassion for people who don't fit effortlessly into society are no match for weapon-wielding, struggling students, drug-using colleagues, and a wicked principal. Meanwhile, her budding relationship with a mystery man is thwarted by his gaggle of eccentric sisters. Carolyn depends on her friends to get her through the hard times, but with poverty-stricken children at her feet and a wealthy man at her side, she must define who she is. The reality of life after college can be daunting, the road to full-fledged adulthood long and unscripted. Can Carolyn take control and craft the existence she always wanted?"--
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