Cars toon - Mater's tall tales. (DVD-video, 2011) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Cars toon - Mater's tall tales.

Cars toon - Mater's tall tales.

Uitgever: [Place of publication not identified] : Walt Disney, 2011.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   DVD-video : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
The complete first and second series of the animated shorts following tow-truck Mater and his best friend, Lightning McQueen. Mater reminisces about his past adventures, such as competing in a Tokyo race and bullfighting in Spain. Episodes comprise: 'Rescue Squad Mater', 'Mater the Greater', 'El Materdor', 'Unidentified Flying Mater', 'Tokyo Mater', 'Heavy Metal Mater', 'Monster Truck Mater', 'Moon Mater' and 'Mater  Meer lezen...
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Genre/vorm: Children's : Animation
Materiaalsoort: Video-opname
Soort document: Visueel materiaal
OCLC-nummer: 770691870
Opmerkingen: Based on the characters from the 2006 feature film 'Cars'.
Credits: Credits: executive producer, John Lasseter; voice, Keith Ferguson; voice, Larry the Cable Guy.
Opmerkingen evenement: Made in 2010.
Doelgroep: BBFC code: U.
Beschrijving: 1 videodisc (37 min.) : color
Gegevens: Region 2, 1 disc(s), Interactive menus, Scene access, Ratio (1:1.78 (16:9) widescreen), Languages (English, Dutch, Flemish), Sound (Dolby Digital 5.1), Subtitles (English, Dutch, Hindi), Subtitles for hard of hearing (English), 'Making of' documentary, Other documentaries ('Studio Stories: McQueen Has No Hands', 'Paths to Pixar: Layout', 'Mater Bumper-to-Bumper', 'Unmade Tales', 'Mater Private Eye's Secret Private Trailer'), 'Cars Land Sneak Peek', 'Cars Toons Story Reels'.; DVD.


The complete first and second series of the animated shorts following tow-truck Mater and his best friend, Lightning McQueen. Mater reminisces about his past adventures, such as competing in a Tokyo race and bullfighting in Spain. Episodes comprise: 'Rescue Squad Mater', 'Mater the Greater', 'El Materdor', 'Unidentified Flying Mater', 'Tokyo Mater', 'Heavy Metal Mater', 'Monster Truck Mater', 'Moon Mater' and 'Mater Private Eye'.
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