Death of innocence : the story of the hate crime that changed America (Kniha, 2005) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Death of innocence : the story of the hate crime that changed America

Death of innocence : the story of the hate crime that changed America

Autor Mamie Till-Mobley; Chris Benson
Vydavatel: New York : One World, 2005. ©2003
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : Biography : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
The mother of Emmett Till, a black teenager whose 1955 murder ignited the civil rights movement, discusses the crime, her despair over the acquittal of the accused killers, and her struggle to overcome her grief.
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Osoba: Emmett Till; Emmett Till
Typ materiálu: Biography
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Mamie Till-Mobley; Chris Benson
ISBN: 0812970470 : PAP 9780812970470 : PAP
OCLC číslo: 768645411
Popis: xxiii, 290 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Odpovědnost: Mamie Till-Mobley and Christopher Benson.


The mother of Emmett Till, a black teenager whose 1955 murder ignited the civil rights movement, discusses the crime, her despair over the acquittal of the accused killers, and her struggle to overcome her grief.
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