The Norton anthology of Latino literature (Book, 2010) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Norton anthology of Latino literature

The Norton anthology of Latino literature

Author: Ilan Stavans; Edna Acosta-Belén
Publisher: New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2010.
Edition/Format:   Print book : English : 1st edView all editions and formats
Overview: A dazzling and definitive compendium of the Latino literary tradition. This groundbreaking Norton Anthology includes the work of 201 Latino writers from Chicano, Cuban-, Puerto Rican-, and Dominican-American traditions, as well as writing from other Spanish-speaking countries. Under the general editorship of award-winning cultural critic Ilan Stavans, The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature traces four  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Literary collections
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Ilan Stavans; Edna Acosta-Belén
ISBN: 9780393080070 0393080072
OCLC Number: 683312423
Description: pages cm
Responsibility: Ilan Stavans, general editor ; [editors], Edna Acosta-Belén [and others].


Overview: A dazzling and definitive compendium of the Latino literary tradition. This groundbreaking Norton Anthology includes the work of 201 Latino writers from Chicano, Cuban-, Puerto Rican-, and Dominican-American traditions, as well as writing from other Spanish-speaking countries. Under the general editorship of award-winning cultural critic Ilan Stavans, The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature traces four centuries of writing, from letters to the Spanish crown by sixteenth-century conquistadors to the cutting-edge expressions of twenty-first-century cartoonistas and artists of reggaeton. In six chronological sections-Colonization, Annexation, Acculturation, Upheaval, Into the Mainstream, and Popular Traditions-it encompasses all genres, featuring such writers as Jose Marti, William Carlos Williams, Julia Alvarez, Oscar Hijuelos, Cristina Garcia, Piri Thomas, Esmeralda Santiago, and Junot Diaz. Twelve years in the making, The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature sheds new light on "nuestra America" through a gathering of writing unprecedented in scope and vitality.
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