Formats and Editions of The lost books of the Bible : being all the gospels, epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his Apostles and their companions, not included, by its compilers, in the authorized New Testament ; and, the recently discovered Syriac mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius, etc. ; translated from the original tongues ; illustrated from ancient paintings and missals. The forgotten books of Eden : writings giving mankind's early pictures of the past and hopes for the future that have survived the devastation of the centuries : translated from manuscripts of the pseudepigraphical group and this collection publication now for the first time for the information and enjoyment of the layman, with notes suggesting the human interest inherent in these pages of fundamental widom and beauty []
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Showing all editions for 'The lost books of the Bible : being all the gospels, epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his Apostles and their companions, not included, by its compilers, in the authorized New Testament ; and, the recently discovered Syriac mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius, etc. ; translated from the original tongues ; illustrated from ancient paintings and missals. The forgotten books of Eden : writings giving mankind's early pictures of the past and hopes for the future that have survived the devastation of the centuries : translated from manuscripts of the pseudepigraphical group and this collection publication now for the first time for the information and enjoyment of the layman, with notes suggesting the human interest inherent in these pages of fundamental widom and beauty' limited to Libraries Worldwide
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
11. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... by William Hone
by William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
  Print book
Bell 1979 ed
New York : Bell Pub. Co.
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12. The lost books of the Bible : being all the gospels,... by Jeremiah Jones
by Jeremiah Jones; William Wake; William Hone; Rutherford Hayes Platt; J Alden Brett; Paul Laune;
  Print book
Cleveland : World Syndicate Pub. Co.
WorldCat Libraries
13. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... by Jeremiah Jones
by Jeremiah Jones; William Wake; William Hone;
  Print book
Cleveland : World Pub. Co.
WorldCat Libraries
14. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... by William Hone
by William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
  Print book
New York : The World Publishing Co.
WorldCat Libraries
15. The lost books of the Bible : being all the gospels,... by Rutherford Hayes Platt
by Rutherford Hayes Platt; J Alden Brett; Paul Laune;
  Print book
Cleveland : World Syndicate Pub. Co.
WorldCat Libraries
16. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... by William Hone
by William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
  Print book
Cleveland, Ohio, New York City : The World Publishing Company
WorldCat Libraries
17. The lost books of the Bible : the gospels, epistles,... by Jeremiah Jones
by Jeremiah Jones; William Wake; William Hone;
  eBook : Document
Old Saybrook, Conn. : Konecky & Konecky
WorldCat Libraries
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