Carry on, Jeeves (Buch, 2003) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Carry on, Jeeves

Carry on, Jeeves

Autor: P G Wodehouse
Verlag: Woodstock, NY : Overlook Press, 2003.
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : Belletristik : EnglischAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
Carry On, Jeeves is a collection of stories in which Jeeves the charge and a familiar bevy of individuals appeal to him to solve their problems.
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Gattung/Form: Humorous stories
Humorous fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Physisches Format Online version:
Wodehouse, P.G. (Pelham Grenville), 1881-1975.
Carry on, Jeeves.
Woodstock, NY : Overlook Press, 2003
Online version:
Wodehouse, P.G. (Pelham Grenville), 1881-1975.
Carry on, Jeeves.
Woodstock, NY : Overlook Press, 2003
Name: Bertie Wooster, (Fictitious character); Jeeves, (Fictitious character); Jeeves, (Fictitious character); Bertie Wooster, (Fictitious character)
Medienart: Belletristik
Dokumenttyp Buch
Alle Autoren: P G Wodehouse
ISBN: 1585673927 9781585673926
OCLC-Nummer: 54530279
Beschreibung: 273 pages ; 20 cm.
Inhalt: Jeeves takes charge --
The artistic career of Corky --
Jeeves and the unbidden guest --
Jeeves and the hard-boiled egg --
The aunt and the sluggard --
The rummy affair of Old Biffy --
Without the option --
Fising it for Freddie --
Clustering round young Bingo --
Bertie changes his mind.
Verfasserangabe: P.G. Wodehouse.


Carry On, Jeeves is a collection of stories in which Jeeves the charge and a familiar bevy of individuals appeal to him to solve their problems.
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