The Mathematics teacher. (Zeitschrift, 1908) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Gattung/Form: Periodical
Medienart: Zeitschrift
Dokumenttyp Zeitschrift / Zeitung
Alle Autoren: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.; Association of Teachers of Mathematics in the Middle States and Maryland.; Association of Mathematical Teachers in New England.
OCLC-Nummer: 3876169
Anmerkungen: Official organ of: 1908-1920, The Association of Teachers of Mathematics in the Middle States and Maryland; 1913-1920, The Association of Mathematical Teachers in New England; 1921-, The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Fußnote zur Reproduktion Microfiche. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms International. sheets, 15 x 11 cm.
Beschreibung: volumes illustrations, portraits 23-29 cm
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