Formats and Editions of The day the Earth stood still []
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      Title / Author Type Language Date / Edition Publication Library
121. The day the earth stood still by Sam Jaffe
by Sam Jaffe; Robert Wise; Patricia Neal; Michael Rennie; Hugh Marlowe; Julian Blaustein; Edmund H North; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Harry Bates; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty. Ltd.; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.;
  DVD video : PAL color broadcast system
Moore Park, N.S.W. : Twentieth Century-Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific [distributor]
WorldCat Libraries
122. The day the Earth stood still by Robert Wise
by Robert Wise;
  DVD video
U.K. : Twentieth Century Fox
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123. The day the earth stood still = Mannen från Mars by Edmund H North
by Edmund H North; Robert Wise; Harry Bates;
  DVD video
Stockholm : SF
WorldCat Libraries
124. Le jour où la terre s'arrêta by Robert Wise
by Robert Wise; Edmund H North; Harry Bates; Michael Rennie; Patricia Neal; Hugh Marlowe; et al
  DVD video : PAL color broadcast system
[Paris] : Twentieth century Fox [éd.] : Fox Pathé Europa [distrib.]
WorldCat Libraries
125. The day the earth stood still by Lock Martin
by Lock Martin; Hugh Marlowe; Michael Rennie; Julian Blaustein; Patricia Neal; Frances Bavier; Sam Jaffe; Harry Bates; Robert Wise; Edmund H North; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, Inc.; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty. Ltd.;
  DVD video
[United States] : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ; Moore Park, N.S.W. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty. Ltd. [distributor]
WorldCat Libraries
126. The day the earth stood still by Harry Bates
by Harry Bates; Robert Wise;
  DVD video
Twentieth Century Fox Home
WorldCat Libraries
127. The day the earth stood still by Robert Wise
by Robert Wise; Harry Bates; Films Incorporated.; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.;
  DVD video : Film
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp., Released by Films Incorporated
WorldCat Libraries
128. The day the earth stood still by Robert Wise
by Robert Wise; Henry Bates; Edmund H North;
  DVD video : PAL color broadcast system
[London] : 20th Century Fox
WorldCat Libraries
129. The day the earth stood still by Robert Wise
by Robert Wise;
  DVD video
[London?] : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
WorldCat Libraries
130. The day the earth stood still by Sam Jaffe
by Sam Jaffe; Robert Wise; Patricia Neal; Michael Rennie; Hugh Marlowe; Julian Blaustein; Edmund H North; Frances Bavier; Lock Martin; Harry Bates; Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty. Ltd.;
  DVD video
Two disc special ed
Moore Park, N.S.W. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty. Ltd.
WorldCat Libraries
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