Fushigi yugi, the mysterious play. Vol. 1, Priestess (Libro, 2004) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Fushigi yugi, the mysterious play. Vol. 1, Priestess

Fushigi yugi, the mysterious play. Vol. 1, Priestess

Autor: Yû Watase
Editorial: San Francisco : Viz, 2004.
Serie: Animerica extra graphic novel; Fushigi yûgi (the mysterious play), 1.
Edición/Formato:   Libro impreso : Ficción : Inglés (eng)Ver todas las ediciones y todos los formatos

After finding a mysterious book, Miaka and her friend Yui are transported to a strange world that is reminiscent of ancient China, where they befriend seven Celestial Warriors and try to return home  Leer más

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Género/Forma: Graphic novels
Tipo de material: Ficción
Tipo de documento Libro
Todos autores / colaboradores: Yû Watase
ISBN: 156931957X 9781569319574
Número OCLC: 225412696
Descripción: 194 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 19 cm.
Contenido: V. 1: Priestess --
v. 3: Disciple --
v. 4: Bandit --
v. 5: Rival --
v. 7: Castaway --
v. 8: Friend --
v. 9: Lover --
v. 10: Enemy --
v. 11: Veteran --
v. 12: Girlfriend.
Título de la serie: Animerica extra graphic novel; Fushigi yûgi (the mysterious play), 1.
Otros títulos: Mysterious play.
Responsabilidad: story and art by Yû Watase.
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