Little white lies (Book, 2019) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Little white lies

Little white lies

Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Publisher: Los Angeles ; New York : Freeform Books, 2019.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : Secondary (senior high) school : English : First Paperback Edition, October 2019View all editions and formats
Eighteen-year-old Sawyer accepts her estranged grandmother's bribe to live with her for a year, participate in the debutante season and ball, and possibly meet the father she has never known.
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Genre/Form: Juvenile works
Domestic fiction
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Material Type: Fiction, Secondary (senior high) school
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
ISBN: 9781368014137 1368014135 9781368023757 1368023754 9781663608222 1663608229
OCLC Number: 1055758042
Notes: "First Hardcover Edition, November 2018"--Title page verso
Description: 390 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
Responsibility: Jennifer Lynn Barnes.


Eighteen-year-old Sawyer accepts her estranged grandmother's bribe to live with her for a year, participate in the debutante season and ball, and possibly meet the father she has never known.
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