Women civil rights leaders (E-Book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Women civil rights leaders

Women civil rights leaders

Autor: Anne Wallace Sharp
Verlag: Detroit : Lucent Books, 2013.
Serien: Lucent library of Black history.
Ausgabe/Medienart   E-Book : Dokument : Biografie : EnglischAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
Places important topics in context so that readers will understand the connection between black history and the sweep of America's story. This volume covers African American women civil rights workers.
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Gattung/Form: Biographies
Physisches Format Print version:
Women civil rights leaders.
Detroit : Lucent Books, 2013
(DLC) 2012028337
Medienart: Biografie, Dokument, Internetquelle
Dokumenttyp Internet-Ressource, Computerdatei
Alle Autoren: Anne Wallace Sharp
ISBN: 9781420511055 142051105X
OCLC-Nummer: 818673575
Beschreibung: 1 online resource (120 pages) : illustrations (some color).
Inhalt: Ch 1. Ida Wells and the campaign against lynching --
ch 2. Dorothy Height and the National Council of Negro Women --
ch 3. Septima Clark and the citizenship schools --
ch 4. The women of the Montgomery bus boycott --
ch 5. Daisy Bates and school desegregation --
ch 6. Ella Baker, the spiritual leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee --
ch 7. Fannie Lou Hamer and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.
Serientitel: Lucent library of Black history.
Verfasserangabe: Anne Wallace Sharp.


Places important topics in context so that readers will understand the connection between black history and the sweep of America's story. This volume covers African American women civil rights workers.
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