Watch over me (Large print book, 2009) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Watch over me

Watch over me

Author: Christa Parrish
Publisher: Thorndike, Me. : Center Point Pub., 2011.
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Fiction : Center Point large print ed
When Benjamin Patil finds an infant abandoned in a field, he and his wife Abbi serve as the foster parents, but the baby's arrival opens wounds for Abbi and sheds light on how much Ben has changed since his tour in Afghanistan.
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Christian fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Christa Parrish
ISBN: 9781602859609 1602859604
OCLC Number: 989903785
Notes: Originally published: Minneapolis, Minn. : Bethany House, 2009.
Description: 415 pages (large print) ; 22 cm
Responsibility: Christa Parrish.


When Benjamin Patil finds an infant abandoned in a field, he and his wife Abbi serve as the foster parents, but the baby's arrival opens wounds for Abbi and sheds light on how much Ben has changed since his tour in Afghanistan.
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