Wake the dawn (Large print book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Wake the dawn

Wake the dawn

Author: Lauraine Snelling
Publisher: Thorndike, Maine : Center Point Publishing, 2013.
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : Center Point Large Print editionView all editions and formats
When a natural disaster threatens to destroy lives in the small mountain town of Pineville, Minnesota, Doctor Esther Hanson struggles to help her patients without giving in to overwhelming emotions triggered by a long-suppressed memory and U.S. Border Patrol agent Ben James, grieving the tragic loss of his wife, rushes an abandoned baby to Esther's clinic. Brought together by the life of a child, Ben and Esther  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Large type books
Christian fiction
Christian fiction, English
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Lauraine Snelling
ISBN: 9781611737950 1611737958
OCLC Number: 840937687
Description: 414 pages (large print) ; 23 cm
Responsibility: Lauraine Snelling.


When a natural disaster threatens to destroy lives in the small mountain town of Pineville, Minnesota, Doctor Esther Hanson struggles to help her patients without giving in to overwhelming emotions triggered by a long-suppressed memory and U.S. Border Patrol agent Ben James, grieving the tragic loss of his wife, rushes an abandoned baby to Esther's clinic. Brought together by the life of a child, Ben and Esther become each other's reason to change.
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