Treasure hunters (Book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Treasure hunters

Treasure hunters

Author: James Patterson; Chris Grabenstein; Mark Shulman; Juliana Neufeld
Publisher: New York : Little, Brown, 2013.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Elementary and junior high school : Fiction : English : First editionView all editions and formats
Following clues left by their missing father, twelve-year-old twins Bickford and Rebecca Kidd sail from the Caribbean to New York City with their siblings to finish the dangerous quest of their world-famous treasure-hunting parents.
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Material Type: Elementary and junior high school, Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: James Patterson; Chris Grabenstein; Mark Shulman; Juliana Neufeld
ISBN: 9780316207560 031620756X
OCLC Number: 1298706162
Target Audience: Guided Reading Level: T.
Description: 451 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Responsibility: by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein, with Mark Shulman ; illustrated by Juliana Neufeld.


Following clues left by their missing father, twelve-year-old twins Bickford and Rebecca Kidd sail from the Caribbean to New York City with their siblings to finish the dangerous quest of their world-famous treasure-hunting parents.
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