Stuck rubber baby : a novel (Book, 1995) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Stuck rubber baby : a novel

Stuck rubber baby : a novel

Author: Howard Cruse
Publisher: HarperPerennial, 1995.
Edition/Format:   Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats
A truly eye-opening comic. The story is set in the American South in the early '60s and deals with homophobia, racism and the gay subculture of that period. The art is absolutely beautiful; Cruse is a master of the cross-hatching technique, which gives a certain texture to his art work and brings his pages to life.
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Howard Cruse
ISBN: 0060977132 9780060977139
OCLC Number: 1153482179
Notes: Graphic novels, comics.
Description: 210 pp. :ill.
Responsibility: Howard Cruse.


A truly eye-opening comic. The story is set in the American South in the early '60s and deals with homophobia, racism and the gay subculture of that period. The art is absolutely beautiful; Cruse is a master of the cross-hatching technique, which gives a certain texture to his art work and brings his pages to life.
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