The Silver Mask (電子書籍, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
The Silver Mask

The Silver Mask

著者: Cassandra Clare; Holly Black
出版社: [Place of publication not identified] : RHCP Digital, 2018.
シリーズ: Magisterium, 4
エディション/フォーマット:   電子書籍 : Fiction : Englishすべてのエディションとフォーマットを見る
Callum Hunt's life has fallen apart. His friend is gone. The spy has escaped. His secret is out. He is facing an existence behind bars, banished from the rest of the magical community for what he is - for what he might become. But a shocking revelation has promised freedom - at a cost. Will he stay strong, and faithful to his friends and teachers? Or take the risk, and destroy everything he's ever loved?This fourth  続きを読む
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ジャンル/形式: Crime & Thriller
Literary Fiction
Children's Fiction
Fables & Fairytales
Fantasy fiction
資料の種類: Fiction
ドキュメントの種類 書籍
すべての著者/寄与者: Cassandra Clare; Holly Black
ISBN: 9781448158386 1448158389
OCLC No.: 1037826326
物理形態: 1 online resource (1 text file)
シリーズタイトル: Magisterium, 4


Callum Hunt's life has fallen apart. His friend is gone. The spy has escaped. His secret is out. He is facing an existence behind bars, banished from the rest of the magical community for what he is - for what he might become. But a shocking revelation has promised freedom - at a cost. Will he stay strong, and faithful to his friends and teachers? Or take the risk, and destroy everything he's ever loved?This fourth year at the Magisterium will be unlike anything else that has gone before ... 'I can't wait to read more of this series!' - Rick Riordan.
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