Saying it well : touching others with your words (Book, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Saying it well : touching others with your words

Saying it well : touching others with your words

Author: Charles R Swindoll
Publisher: New York : FaithWords, 2012.
Edition/Format:   Print book : English : 1st edView all editions and formats
Discusses the fundamentals of effective communication and public speaking, including preparing for a speech, organizing thoughts, speaking with authority, persuasion, and overcoming public speaking fears.
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Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Charles R Swindoll
ISBN: 9780892968312 0892968311 9781455503841 1455503843 9780892968329 089296832X
OCLC Number: 707965017
Description: xv, 268 pages ; 23 cm
Contents: Calling --
Preparing --
Going --
Digging --
Building --
Praying --
Illustrating --
Laughing --
Applying --
Responsibility: Charles R. Swindoll.


Bestselling author and master communicator Charles Swindoll has been effectively speaking to others for over fifty years, and SAYING IT WELL shares his secrets on how to talk so people will listen.  Read more...
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Publisher Synopsis

Bestselling author and master communicator Charles Swindoll has been effectively speaking to others for over 50 years. Now, in his new book, SAYING IT WELL, he shares his secrets on how to talk so Read more...


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