Not So Normal Norbert (e-kniha, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Not So Normal Norbert

Not So Normal Norbert

Autor James Patterson; Joey Green; Hatem Aly
Vydavatel: New York : Jimmy Patterson, 2018.
Vydání/formát:   e-kniha : Document : Základní škola : Fiction : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
James Patterson's rollicking new middle grade novel is a hilarious adventure into a futuristic world, where different is dangerous, imagination is insanity, and creativity is crazy!Norbert Riddle lives in the United State of Earth, where normal means following the rules, never standing out, and being exactly the same as everyone else, down to the plain gray jumpsuits he wears everyday. He's been normal his whole  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Electronic book collection
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Typ materiálu: Document, Základní škola, Fiction, Internetový zdroj
Typ dokumentu Internetový zdroj, Počítačový soubor
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: James Patterson; Joey Green; Hatem Aly
ISBN: 9780316465403 0316465402
OCLC číslo: 1052681861
Popis: 1 online resource
Odpovědnost: James Patterson.


James Patterson's rollicking new middle grade novel is a hilarious adventure into a futuristic world, where different is dangerous, imagination is insanity, and creativity is crazy!Norbert Riddle lives in the United State of Earth, where normal means following the rules, never standing out, and being exactly the same as everyone else, down to the plain gray jumpsuits he wears everyday. He's been normal his whole life--until a moment of temporary hilarity when he does a funny impression of their dictator, Loving Leader...and gets caught!Now, Norbert's been arrested and banished to planet Zorquat 3 in the Orion Nebula, where kids who defy the rules roam free in the Astronuts camp. Norbert has been taught his whole life that different is wrong, but everyone at Astronuts is crazy, creative, and insane! Norbert wants nothing more than to go back to earth where things are awful but at least they're familiar. But he soon realizes that being different could be better--and maybe the crazy farm is exactly where he belongs after all.
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