The name of the rose (Book, 2005) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The name of the rose

The name of the rose

Author: Umberto Eco; William Weaver
Publisher: London : Vintage, 2005.
Series: Vintage future classics.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : Future classics limited edView all editions and formats

Set in Italy in the Middle Ages, this work is not only a narrative of a murder investigation in a monastery in 1327, but also a chronicle of the 14th century religious wars, a history of monastic  Read more...

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Genre/Form: Church history
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Umberto Eco; William Weaver
ISBN: 9780099497035 0099497034
Language Note: Translated from the Italian.
OCLC Number: 81143970
Notes: "Vintage future classics edition with reading guide"--Cover.
This translation originally published: London : Secker & Warburg, 1983.
Description: 502, 15 pages : plans ; 20 cm.
Series Title: Vintage future classics.
Other Titles: Nome della rosa.
Responsibility: Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver.
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Editorial reviews

Publisher Synopsis

"* 'Umberto Eco has written a novel - his first - and it has become a literary event' - New York Times Book Review * 'A novel of stunning intelligence, inguistic richness, thematic complexity' - Il Read more...


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