Interviews = : Entrevistas (图书, 2000) [Texas Group Catalog]
Interviews = : Entrevistas

Interviews = : Entrevistas

著者: Gloria Anzaldúa; AnaLouise Keating
出版商: New York : Routledge, 2000.
版本/格式:   打印图书 : 传记 : 英语查看所有的版本和格式

In this memoir-like collection, Anzaldúa's powerful voice speaks clearly and passionately. For readers engaged in postcoloniality, feminist theory, ethnic studies, or queer identity,  再读一些...

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类型/形式: History
提及的人: Linda Smuckler; Christine Weiland; Jeffner Allen; AnaLouise Keating; Inés Ávila-Hernández; Jamie Lee Evans; Debbie Blake; Carmen Abrego; María Henríquez Betancor; Andrea Lunsford; Gloria Anzaldúa
材料类型: 传记
文档类型 图书
所有的著者/提供者: Gloria Anzaldúa; AnaLouise Keating
ISBN: 0415925037 9780415925037 0415925045 9780415925044
OCLC号码: 924626258
奖励: Short-listed for Lambda Literary Awards (Spirituality) 2000
描述: xiii, 306 s
内容: Acknowledgments -- Risking the Personal -- An Introduction -- 1. Turning Points -- An Interview with Linda Smuckler (1982) -- Early Writing Experiences; Grade School; High School; A Sense of Difference; College; "My Task": Making Face, Making Soul, Making Heart; Sexuality/Spirituality/Writing; First Turning Point: Teaching (and) Chicano Culture; Second Turning Point: Entering the Feminist Movement; The "Path of Writing"; Third Turning Point: Becoming a Full-Time Writer; Another Turning Point: Teaching "La Mujer Chicana"; This Bridge; Audience and Voice; Publishing and "El Mundo Zurdo"; Writing the Body, Becoming a Mouth; Other Influences -- 2. Within the Crossroads -- Lesbian/Feminist/Spiritual Development An Interview with Christine Weiland (1983) Early Life; Bodies and Health; Religions; "Yoga of the Body"; "Off the Rational Track"; Meditations, Making Love to the Divine; Spirituality and Power; Becoming Lesbian?; Ethnic Pride, Worldwide Oneness; "The Gathering of the Tribe"; "La Facultad" -- 3. Lesbian Wit -- Conversation with Jeffner Allen (late 1980s) -- Labels; Shapeshifting, Changing Identities; Bridges, Rainbows, Coalitions; Reading; Compartmentalized Identities; Imaginai, Psychic Identities; Lesbian Writings and Audiences -- 4. Making Choices 151 -- Writing, Spirituality, Sexuality, and the Political -- An Interview with AnaLouise Keating (1991) -- This Bridge and Haciendo Caras; New Interconnections: Moving from Unity to Solidarity; Spirituality: "Roots," Masks, Essentialism; Becoming Lesbian?; Always on the Other Side/del otro lado: Differences, Lesberadas; Representation: Individual and Collective "We" -- 5. Quincentennial -- From Victimhood to Active Resistance -- Inés Hernández-Ávila y Gloria E. Anzaldúa (1991) Claiming Agency; Resistance; Originality; The New Tribalism; Mestizas as Bridges; "Las Tres Madres" -- 6. Making Alliances, Queerness, and Bridging Conocimientos -- An Interview with Jamie Lee Evans (1993) -- Making Alliances; Shifting Power; Anthologizing Alliances; Identity: The Power of Self-Invention; Conocimientos -- 7. Doing Gigs -- Speaking, Writing, and Change -- An Interview with Debbie Blake and Carmen Abrego (1994) -- ¿ Queer Conference ?; The New Tribalism; Knowledge, Conocimientos, and Power; Fighting/Theorizing Racism; Coalition Work: Bridge, Drawbridge, Sandbar, Island; Revisionist Mythmaking; Essentializing, Universalizing, and the Autobiographical; Lived Experience/ Representation; Making Soul: Writing the Coatlicue State, Nepantla, Llorona; Impact on Readers; "Doing Gigs" -- 8. Writing -- A Way of Life -- An Interview with María Henríquez Betancor (1995) -- Chicana Writers; Identity-in-Process: A "Geography of Selves"; Relational Identities; "Autohistorias, Autohisteorias"; Language Conflicts; "On The Edge, Between Worlds"; The Ethnic Test: Who's the Real Chicana?; Writing/Reading as Survival and Healing -- 9. Toward a Mestiza Rhetoric -- Gloria Anzaldúa on Composition, Postcoloniality, and the Spiritual -- An Interview with Andrea Lunsford (1996) -- Early Memories of Writing; Nos/otras; Postcolonial Studies, Composition Studies; Writing: Difficulties and Practices; Teaching Composition: Assimilation, Resistance, Liberation; Language, Domination; Composing the Work, the Self, the World; Claiming Author(ity); Style; Activism, Working for Change; Additional Bits -- 10. Last Words? Spirit Journeys -- An Interview with AnaLouise Keating (1998-1999) -- Dealing with Criticism and Controversy; Ignoring the Spiritual; Shapeshifting; Interconnections; Anger; Physical Health, Bodies, and Identity Formation; The Importance of Listening -- Primary Works Cited -- The Interviewers -- The Authors -- Index.
责任: Gloria E. Anzaldúa ; edited by AnaLouise Keating.
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"The book brings together difficult-to-access materials that provide considerable insight into an unusual life." -- Publishers Weekly"For the prolific lesbian Chicana author, interviews are another 再读一些...






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