El hostal de las ilusiones : [una deliciosa novela de amistad, perdón y nuevos comienzos] (Book, 2015) [Texas Group Catalog]
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El hostal de las ilusiones : [una deliciosa novela de amistad, perdón y nuevos comienzos]

El hostal de las ilusiones : [una deliciosa novela de amistad, perdón y nuevos comienzos]

Author: Debbie Macomber; Marta Armengol Royo
Publisher: Madrid : Maeva Ediciones, [2015] ©2015
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : SpanishView all editions and formats
Jo Marie Rose opens the Rose Harbor Inn bed and breakfast in Cedar Cove in order to start a new life, but the inn and its first guests bring surprises into Jo's life.
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Genre/Form: Vida cristiana
Christian fiction
Romance fiction
Materiales en español
Romans chrétiens
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Debbie Macomber; Marta Armengol Royo
ISBN: 9788416363230 8416363234
OCLC Number: 920320682
Notes: Subtitle from cover.
Description: 319 pages ; 23 cm
Other Titles: Inn at Rose Harbor.
Responsibility: Debbie Macomber ; traducción, Marta Armengol Royo.


Jo Marie Rose opens the Rose Harbor Inn bed and breakfast in Cedar Cove in order to start a new life, but the inn and its first guests bring surprises into Jo's life.
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