Ficciones (Book, 1984) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Author: Jorge Luis BorgesSol LeWittAnthony KerriganAlastair ReidAnthony BonnerAll authors
Publisher: [New York] : Limited Editions Club, ©1984.
Edition/Format:   Print book : Biography : Fiction : EnglishView all editions and formats
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Genre/Form: screen prints
Screen prints
Artists' books
Material Type: Biography, Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Jorge Luis Borges; Sol LeWitt; Anthony Kerrigan; Alastair Reid; Anthony Bonner; Helen Temple; Ruthven Todd; Anthoensen Press,; Limited Editions Club,; Limited Editions Club Collection (Library of Congress)
Language Note: Translated from the Spanish.
OCLC Number: 11635739
Notes: Translated by Anthony Kerrigan, Alastair Reid, Anthony Bonner, Helen Temple, and Ruthven Todd.
"1500 copies ... have been printed by the Anthoensen Press. The book was designed [and signed] by Sol LeWitt and set in Cloister Bold by MacKenzie-Harris Corp. The drawings were silk-screened by Jo Watanabe. This book was bound by A. Horowitz & Sons"--Colophon.
22 leaves of plates are included in the pagination.
Issued in slipcase.
LC has copy no. 1 in slipcase, with reproduction of no. 541 of the Monthly letter of the Limited Editions Club laid in.
Description: xxxii, 306 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Contents: Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius --
Approach to Al-Muʻtasim --
Pierre Menard, author of Don Quixote --
Circular ruins --
Babylon lottery --
Examination of the work of Herbert Quain --
Library of Babel --
Garden of forking paths --
Funes, the Memorious --
Form of the sword --
Theme of the traitor and hero --
Death and the compass --
Secret miracle --
Three versions of Judas --
End --
Sect of the Phoenix --
Other Titles: Ficciones.
Responsibility: Jorge Luis Borges ; [silk-screens by Sol LeWitt].
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