Double blind (Large print book, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Double blind

Double blind

Author: Iris Johansen; Roy Johansen
Publisher: Thorndike, Maine : Center Point Large Print, 2018.
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : Center Point Large Print editionView all editions and formats
"When a young woman dies trying to get a video of a wedding reception to Kendra Michaels, the FBI seeks Kendra's help. As the body count rises, Kendra joins forces with private investigator Jessie Mercado and agent-for-hire Adam Lynch to stop a nightmarish plot involving a powerful law firm and a billion-dollar corporation"--
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Genre/Form: Large type books
Mystery fiction
Detective and mystery fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Suspense fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Iris Johansen; Roy Johansen
ISBN: 9781683249047 1683249046
OCLC Number: 1039212423
Notes: Regular print version previously published by: St. Martin's Press.
Description: 414 pages (large print) ; 23 cm.
Responsibility: Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen.


"When a young woman dies trying to get a video of a wedding reception to Kendra Michaels, the FBI seeks Kendra's help. As the body count rises, Kendra joins forces with private investigator Jessie Mercado and agent-for-hire Adam Lynch to stop a nightmarish plot involving a powerful law firm and a billion-dollar corporation"--

The body was found just blocks away from Kendra Michael's condo. The woman was carrying an envelope with Kendra's name on it, and inside was an SD card with what appears to be an innocuous video of a wedding reception. And now the bride has been abducted from her home-- and then other members of the wedding party disappear. Kendra joins forces with private investigator Jessie Mercado and agent-for-hire Adam Lynch to discover what the missing persons had in common beside the wedding. -- adapted from jacket.

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