Boris gets a lizard (Book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Boris gets a lizard

Boris gets a lizard

Author: Andrew Joyner
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Scholastic, 2013.
Series: Branches (Scholastic Inc.)
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : Primary school : EnglishView all editions and formats
Boris has a lot of pets, but what he really wants is a Komodo dragon, so he comes up with a plan--and invites his class to come and see his lizard.
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Genre/Form: Graphic novels
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Material Type: Fiction, Primary school, Internet resource
Document Type: Book, Internet Resource
All Authors / Contributors: Andrew Joyner
ISBN: 9780545484473 0545484472 9780545484466 0545484464 9780606319751 0606319751 9780605823679 0605823677
OCLC Number: 864318330
Notes: Originally published: Camberwell, Victoria, Australia : Puffin, ©2011.
Description: 73 pages : color illustrations ; 20 cm.
Contents: Introduction --
Chapter one --
Chapter two --
Chapter three --
Chapter four --
Chapter five --
Chapter six --
How to make a lizard puppet.
Series Title: Branches (Scholastic Inc.)
Responsibility: by Andrew Joyner.


Boris has a lot of pets, but what he really wants is a Komodo dragon, so he comes up with a plan--and invites his class to come and see his lizard.
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