Banned books (电子图书, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
Banned books

Banned books

著者: Marcia Amidon Lüsted
出版商: New York : Greenhaven Publishing, 2018.
丛书: At issue., Education.
版本/格式:   电子图书 : 文献 : 少年观众 : 英语 : First edition查看所有的版本和格式
This book examines what makes a book inappropriate, even dangerous, for public consumption, and who has the power to deem it so. Some governments ban books as a form of censorship.
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类型/形式: Juvenile works
Juvenile literature
Ouvrages pour la jeunesse
附加的形体格式: Print version:
Banned books.
New York : Greenhaven Publishing, 2018
(DLC) 2017006229
材料类型: 文献, 少年观众, 互联网资源
文档类型 互联网资源, 计算机文档
所有的著者/提供者: Marcia Amidon Lüsted
ISBN: 9781534500761 1534500766
OCLC号码: 1024274211
描述: 1 online resource (88 pages)
内容: Banning and challenging are two different things / News Staff, Business & Heritage Clarksville --
Even librarians ban books / Scott DiMarco --
Do the reasons for banning books stack up? / Jamie Leigh --
Book banning's greatest achievement is to reflect our current culture / Clay Calvert --
Banned Books Week is propaganda / Dan Kleinman --
Banned books can be a tool for addressing race / Ashley Lauren Samsa --
Look to the First Amendment / National Coalition Against Censorship --
Parental involvement is critical in reading selections / Rebecca Hagelin --
Filtering in public libraries has gone too far / David McMenemy --
Bans distract from the real value of books / Beth Younger --
Censorship is a loss to culture / Afsaneh Rigot --
Librarians must resist self-censoring / Caitlin McCabe --
Book banning is irrelevant in the information age / Steven Petite --
Technology offers new challenges to censorship / Robert Wheaton --
Why book banning fails / Philip Nel.
丛书名: At issue., Education.
责任: Marcia Amidon Lusted, book editor.


This book examines what makes a book inappropriate, even dangerous, for public consumption, and who has the power to deem it so. Some governments ban books as a form of censorship.
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