Act of revenge : a novel (eBook, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Act of revenge : a novel

Act of revenge : a novel

Author: Dale Brown; Jim DeFelice
Publisher: New York : Harper Collins, [2018] ©2018
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Fiction : English : First editionView all editions and formats
When terrorists attack Boston, Louis Massina races against time to save the city with a high-tech counteroffensive...'/ On Easter Sunday morning, the city of Boston is struck by a widespread and coordinated series of terrorist attacks: an explosion in the T, a suicide bomber at Back Bay Police Station, and heavily armed gunmen taking hostages at the Patriot Hotel. For robotics innovator Louis Massina, aka the Puppet  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Romans à suspense
Livres numériques
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Document, Fiction, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Dale Brown; Jim DeFelice
ISBN: 9780062411334 0062411330
OCLC Number: 1023725097
Description: 1 ressource en ligne (518 pages)
Responsibility: Dale Brown and Jim DeFelice.


When terrorists attack Boston, Louis Massina races against time to save the city with a high-tech counteroffensive...'/ On Easter Sunday morning, the city of Boston is struck by a widespread and coordinated series of terrorist attacks: an explosion in the T, a suicide bomber at Back Bay Police Station, and heavily armed gunmen taking hostages at the Patriot Hotel. For robotics innovator Louis Massina, aka the Puppet Master, this is far more personal than a savage act of political terrorism. Boston is his city-and one of his employees, Chelsea Goodman, is among the hostages facing certain death. As Chelsea fights from the inside, Massina leads his team of tech geniuses at Smart Metal to deploy every bot, drone, and cyber weapon at their disposal to defeat the fanatics and save his city and friend. That's step one. Step two: Find the twisted mastermind behind the attacks and make him pay.
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