Raspberry danish murder (Kniha, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Raspberry danish murder

Raspberry danish murder

Autor Joanne Fluke
Vydavatel: New York, NY : Kensington Books, 2018. ©2018
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : Fiction : English : First Kensington hardcover editionZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
Hannah has felt as bitter as November in Minnesota since Ross vanished without a trace and left their marriage in limbo. Still, she throws herself into a baking frenzy for the sake of pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving-themed treats while endless holiday orders pour into The Cookie Jar. Hannah even introduces a raspberry Danish pastry to the menu, and P.K., her husband's assistant at KCOW-TV, will be one of the first to  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Detective and mystery stories
Mystery in literature
Detective and mystery fiction
Mystery fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Osoba: Hannah Swensen, (Fictitious character)
Typ materiálu: Fiction, Internetový zdroj
Typ dokumentu Kniha, Internetový zdroj
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Joanne Fluke
ISBN: 9781617732249 1617732249 9781496719997 1496719999
OCLC číslo: 988763812
Popis: ix, 374 pages ; 22 cm
Odpovědnost: Joanne Fluke.


Hannah has felt as bitter as November in Minnesota since Ross vanished without a trace and left their marriage in limbo. Still, she throws herself into a baking frenzy for the sake of pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving-themed treats while endless holiday orders pour into The Cookie Jar. Hannah even introduces a raspberry Danish pastry to the menu, and P.K., her husband's assistant at KCOW-TV, will be one of the first to sample it. But instead of taking a bite, P.K., who is driving Ross's car and using his desk at work, is murdered. Was someone plotting against P.K. all along or did Ross dodge a deadly dose of sweet revenge? Hannah will have to quickly sift through a cornucopia of clues and suspects to stop a killer from bringing another murder to the table.
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