My grandmother's hands : racialized trauma and the pathway to mending our hearts and bodies (도서, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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My grandmother's hands : racialized trauma and the pathway to mending our hearts and bodies

My grandmother's hands : racialized trauma and the pathway to mending our hearts and bodies

저자: Resmaa Menakem
출판사: Las Vegas, NV : Central Recovery Press, 2017. ©2017
판/형식:   인쇄본 : 영어모든 판과 형식 보기
"The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze, and it endures the trauma inflicted by the ills that plague society. In this groundbreaking work, therapist Resmaa Menakem examines the damage caused by racism in America from the perspective of body-centered psychology. He argues this destruction will continue until Americans learn to heal the generational anguish of white supremacy, which  더 읽기…
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장르/형태: Nonfiction
추가적인 물리적 형식: Online version:
Menakem, Resmaa.
My grandmother's hands.
Las Vegas, NV : Central Recovery Press, [2017]
(DLC) 2017029917
Online version:
Menakem, Resmaa.
My grandmother's hands
문서 유형 도서
모든 저자 / 참여자: Resmaa Menakem
ISBN: 9781942094470 1942094477 9781942094609 1942094604
OCLC 번호: 988170547
설명: xx, 309 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
내용: Do not cross this line --
Watch your body --
Acknowledging our ancestors --
Our bodies, our country --
Unarmed and dismembered . Your body and blood --
Black, white, blue, and you --
Body to body, generation to generation --
European trauma and the invention of whiteness --
Assaulting the black heart --
Violating the black body --
The false fragility of the white body --
White-body supremacy and the police body --
Changing the world begins with your body --
Remembering ourselves. Your soul nerve --
Settling and safeguarding your body --
The wisdom of clean pain --
Reaching out to other bodies --
Harmonizing with other bodies --
Mending the black heart and body --
Mending the white heart and body --
Mending the police heart and body --
Mending our collective body. Body-centered activism --
Creating culture --
Cultural healing for African Americans --
Whiteness without supremacy --
Reshaping police culture --
Healing is in our hands --
The reckoning --
Afterword --
Five opportunities of healing and making room for growth.
다른 제목 Racialized trauma and the pathway to mending our hearts and bodies
책임: Resmaa Menakem.


The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze, and it endures the trauma inflicted by the ills that plague society. In this groundbreaking work, therapist Resmaa Menakem  더 읽기…
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편집자의 리뷰

출판사 줄거리

“This book will change the direction of the movement for racial justice.”— Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility


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