Hachune Miku's Everyday vocaloid paradise! 2 (Boek, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Hachune Miku's Everyday vocaloid paradise! 2

Hachune Miku's Everyday vocaloid paradise! 2

Auteur: Ontama; Jenny McKeon; Rebecca Scoble
Uitgever: [Santa Barbara, CA] : Seven Seas Entertainment, 2018.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Fictie : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
The first fan creation to receive official recognition within the Vocaloid world, Hachune Miku is the small and spirited spin-off character of the famous Hatsune Miku. Equally recognizable by her long pigtails and affiliation with leeks, Hachune Miku goes on her own colorful adventures in this collection of comedic shorts.
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Genre/vorm: Graphic novels
adventure story comics
manga (comic books)
Action and adventure comics
Comics (Graphic works)
Bandes dessinées d'aventures
Bandes dessinées
Comic books, strips, etc
Materiaalsoort: Fictie
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Ontama; Jenny McKeon; Rebecca Scoble
ISBN: 1626926824 9781626926820
Opmerking taal: In English, translated from Japanese.
OCLC-nummer: 986964970
Opmerkingen: Reads from right to left.
First published in Japan in 2010 by Kadokawa Corporation.
Doelgroep: Rated: Teen.
Beschrijving: 136 pages : chiefly illustrations (some color) ; 21 cm
Andere titels: Hachune miku no nichijō roipara.
Hatsune Miku Presents
Everyday Vocaloid paradise
Verantwoordelijkheid: story and art by Ontama ; translation, Jenny McKeon ; adaptation, Rebecca Scoble.


The first fan creation to receive official recognition within the Vocaloid world, Hachune Miku is the small and spirited spin-off character of the famous Hatsune Miku. Equally recognizable by her long pigtails and affiliation with leeks, Hachune Miku goes on her own colorful adventures in this collection of comedic shorts.
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