Past perfect : a novel (Kniha se zvětšeným písmem, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Past perfect : a novel

Past perfect : a novel

Autor Danielle Steel
Vydavatel: New York : Random House Large Print, [2017] ©2017
Vydání/formát:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : First large print editionZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
Sybil and Blake Gregory have established a predictable, well-ordered Manhattan life -- she as a cutting-edge design authority and museum consultant, he in high-tech investments -- raising their teenagers Andrew and Caroline and six-year-old Charlie. But everything changes when Blake is offered a dream job he can't resist as CEO of a start-up in San Francisco. He accepts it without consulting his wife and buys a  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Large type books
Historical fiction
Domestic fiction
Paranormal fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Typ materiálu: Fiction
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Danielle Steel
ISBN: 9780525501268 0525501266 9781683316718 1683316711 9781635461459 1635461456
OCLC číslo: 982088469
Popis: 358 pages (large print) ; 24 cm
Odpovědnost: Danielle Steel.


Sybil and Blake Gregory have established a predictable, well-ordered Manhattan life -- she as a cutting-edge design authority and museum consultant, he in high-tech investments -- raising their teenagers Andrew and Caroline and six-year-old Charlie. But everything changes when Blake is offered a dream job he can't resist as CEO of a start-up in San Francisco. He accepts it without consulting his wife and buys a magnificent, irresistibly underpriced historic Pacific Heights mansion as their new home. The past and present suddenly collide for them in the elegant mansion filled with tender memories and haunting portraits when an earthquake shocks them the night they arrive. The original inhabitants appear for a few brief minutes. In the ensuing days, the Gregorys meet the large and lively family who lived there a century ago: distinguished Bertrand Butterfield and his gracious wife Gwyneth, their sons Josiah and little Magnus, daughters Bettina and Lucy, formidable Scottish matriarch Augusta and her eccentric brother Angus. All long since dead. All very much alive in spirit and visible to the Gregorys and no one else. The two families are delighted to share elegant dinners and warm friendship. They have much to teach each other, as the Gregorys watch the past unfold while living their own modern-day lives. Within these enchanted rooms, it is at once 1917 and a century later, where the Gregorys gratefully realize they have been given a perfect gift: beloved friends and the wisdom to shape their own future with grace from a fascinating past.
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