Supercell featuring Hatsune Miku (Buch, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Supercell featuring Hatsune Miku

Supercell featuring Hatsune Miku

Autor: Keisuke Yamada
Verlag: London, UK ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., 2017. ©2017
Serien: 33 1/3 Japan.
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : EnglischAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
This book explores the Vocaloid and DTM (desktop music) phenomena through the lenses of media and fan studies, looking closely at online social media platforms, the new technology for composing, avid fans of the Vocaloid character, and these fans' performative practices. It provides a sense of how interactive new media and an empowered fan base combine to engage in the creation processes and enhance the circulation  Weiterlesen…
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Gattung/Form: Criticism, interpretation, etc
Physisches Format Online version:
Yamada, Keisuke, 1984-
Supercell featuring Hatsune Miku.
New York ; London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2017
(DLC) 2017017210
Name: Miku Hatsune, (Fictitious character); Miku Hatsune, (Fictitious character)
Dokumenttyp Buch
Alle Autoren: Keisuke Yamada
ISBN: 9781501325984 1501325981 9781501325977 1501325973 1501325949 9781501325946 1501325965 9781501325960
OCLC-Nummer: 981907912
Beschreibung: 117 pages : illustration ; 20 cm.
Inhalt: Settings --
Hatsune Miku and DTM Culture --
How Creative is the "Playground"? Niconico, Piapro, and Dojin Circles --
Supercell --
Supercell as a Creator Group --
Supercell's Musical Works and Visibility in Social Media --
Performance --
Hatsune Miku Fans' Performative Acts.
Serientitel: 33 1/3 Japan.
Verfasserangabe: Keisuke Yamada.


This book explores the Vocaloid and DTM (desktop music) phenomena through the lenses of media and fan studies, looking closely at online social media platforms, the new technology for composing, avid fans of the Vocaloid character, and these fans' performative practices. It provides a sense of how interactive new media and an empowered fan base combine to engage in the creation processes and enhance the circulation of DTM works. --
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