Alexander Hamilton (Libro, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton

Autore: Ron Chernow
Pubblicazione: London : Head of Zeus, 2017.
Edizione/Formato:   Libro a stampa : Biography : IngleseVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
Alexander Hamilton was an illegitimate, largely self-taught orphan from the Caribbean who overcame all the odds to become George Washington's aide-de-camp and the first Treasury Secretary of the United States. Few figures in American history are more controversial than Alexander Hamilton. In this masterful work, Chernow shows how the political and economic power of America today is the result of Hamilton's  Per saperne di più…
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Genere/formato: collective biographies
Persona nominata: Alexander Hamilton; Alexander Hamilton
Tipo materiale: Biography
Tipo documento Libro
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Ron Chernow
ISBN: 9781786690036 1786690039
Numero OCLC: 967192192
Note: Originally published by The Penguin Press in 2004.
Descrizione: 818 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 23 cm
Responsabilità: Ron Chernow.


The bestselling life of one of America's founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, which became the basis for the hugely successful Broadway show Hamilton.  Per saperne di più…
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'A brilliant recreation of the society and culture of the time: thoughtful and playful, moving and powerful' Michael Gove. 'A mammoth work of research that charted the course of Hamilton's dazzling Per saperne di più…


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