The Inn at Rose Harbor : a Novel (eBook, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Inn at Rose Harbor : a Novel

The Inn at Rose Harbor : a Novel

Author: Debbie Macomber; 3M Company.
Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Random House Publishing Group, 2012.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Fiction : EnglishView all editions and formats
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber comes a heartwarming new series based in the Pacific Northwest town of Cedar Cove, where a charming cast of characters finds love, forgiveness, and renewal behind the doors of the cozy Rose Harbor Inn.? Jo Marie Rose first arrives in Cedar Cove seeking a sense of peace and a fresh start. Coping with the death of her husband, she purchases a local  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Fiction
Christian fiction
Love stories
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Material Type: Document, Fiction, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Debbie Macomber; 3M Company.
ISBN: 9780345535115 0345535111
OCLC Number: 966541159
Notes: Electronic book.
Description: 1 online resource 1 online resource (352 pages)
Responsibility: Macomber, Debbie.


From #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber comes a heartwarming new series based in the Pacific Northwest town of Cedar Cove, where a charming cast of characters finds love, forgiveness, and renewal behind the doors of the cozy Rose Harbor Inn.? Jo Marie Rose first arrives in Cedar Cove seeking a sense of peace and a fresh start. Coping with the death of her husband, she purchases a local bed-and-breakfast?the newly christened Rose Harbor Inn?ready to begin her life anew. Yet the inn holds more surprises than Jo Marie can imagine.? Her first guest is Joshua Weaver, who has come home to care for his ailing stepfather. The two have never seen eye to eye, and Joshua has little hope that they can reconcile their differences. But a long-lost acquaintance from Joshua?s high school days proves to him that forgiveness is never out of reach and love can bloom even where it?s least expected.??? The other guest is Abby Kincaid, who has returned to Cedar Cove to attend her brother?s wedding. Back for the first time in twenty years, she almost wishes she hadn?t come, the picturesque town harboring painful memories from her past. And while Abby reconnects with family and old friends, she realizes she can only move on if she truly allows herself to let go.? A touching novel of life?s grand possibilities and the heart?s ability to heal, The Inn at Rose Harbor is a welcome introduction to an unforgettable set of friends. BONUS: This edition includes a The Inn at Rose Harbor discussion guide.
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