Fire force. 01 (書籍, 2016) [Texas Group Catalog]
Fire force. 01

Fire force. 01

著者: Atsushi Ōkubo; Alethea Nibley; Athena Nibley
出版社: New York : Kodansha Comics, [2016] ©2016
シリーズ: Fire force, 1.
エディション/フォーマット:   紙書籍 : Fiction : 高校   アーカイブ資料 : English : English editionすべてのエディションとフォーマットを見る
"The city of Tokyo is plagued by a deadly phenomenon: spontaneous human combustion! Luckily, a special team is there to quench the inferno: The Fire Force! The fire soldiers at Special Fire Cathedral 8 are about to get a unique addition. Enter Shinra, a boy who possesses the power to run at the speed of a rocket, leaving behind the famous "devil's footprints" (and destroying his shoes in the process). Can Shinra  続きを読む
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ジャンル/形式: Manga
Graphic books
Comics (Graphic works)
Graphic novels
Bandes dessinées
Comic books, strips, etc
Translations into English
資料の種類: Fiction, 高校
ドキュメントの種類 書籍, アーカイブ資料
すべての著者/寄与者: Atsushi Ōkubo; Alethea Nibley; Athena Nibley
ISBN: 9781632363305 1632363305
言語注記: Text in English, translated from the Japanese.
OCLC No.: 962423430
メモ: "First published in Japan in 2016 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo."--Colophon.
"A Kodansha Comics trade paperback original."--Colophon.
Reads from right to left.
対象者 T, ages 13+.
物理形態: 189 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 20 cm
シリーズタイトル: Fire force, 1.
その他のタイトル: Fire force.
責任者: Atsushi Ohkubo ; translation, Alethea Nibley & Athena Nibley.


In the year 198 of the Age of the Sun, Tokyo is a crowded cosmopolis. But the world s most populous city is threatened by devils that cause people to burst into flame at random!  続きを読む
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“How exactly does one follow a super-successful manga like Soul Eater? With Fire Force… [which turns] what was already a pretty dangerous, exciting occupation into something that involves the 続きを読む



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